Rating Skadi-Interlude x300

IDNameClassClanLvLPvP / PKTimeOnline
1rawSagittarius Bastards805599 / 27611 d. 4 h.
2NefertariDViviMoonlight Sentinel WhiteTower803213 / 37516 d. 13 h.
3MemoryGhost Hunter Focus802865 / 120 d. 16 h.
4KukuSagittarius itsShowTime802750 / 2320 d. 17 h.
5BEERMANTitan Bastards802750 / 6120 d. 10 h.
6UmpaLumpaPhoenix Knight SOLO802393 / 1120 d. 14 h.
7RoronoaZoroMoonlight Sentinel WhiteTower802364 / 17819 d. 15 h.
8DevilbuuTitan HUSSARYA801768 / 2119 d. 15 h.
9IndalecioDuelist playthem801704 / 24919 d. 10 h.
10VinSmokeSanjiSagittarius WhiteTower801638 / 10211 d. 19 h.
11IIoxyucTDreadnought HeadHunters801611 / 112 d. 15 h.
12JustDoIt4uSagittarius Bastards801605 / 2211 d. 19 h.
13StFigarlandSoultaker itsShowTime801537 / 10618 d. 23 h.
14YudiedArchmage Focus801524 / 420 d. 12 h.
15WatahWind Rider Focus801522 / 920 d. 12 h.
16StrelaSagittarius Focus801467 / 7820 d. 9 h.
17IntemerataDuelist TheBlinders801409 / 22112 d. 2 h.
18MondiTitan Lasunya801398 / 1518 d. 5 h.
19SUIIIDuelist playthem801363 / 4514 d. 11 h.
20QueSagittarius playthem801310 / 329 d. 13 h.
21fetEddSagittarius Bastards801274 / 3314 d. 22 h.
22agouriStorm Screamer EliteGroup801273 / 3218 d. 4 h.
23VermilionGhost Hunter playthem801184 / 12311 d. 21 h.
24KURWASagittarius Absent801168 / 22416 d. 19 h.
25GodSword Muse Lietuva801163 / 3818 d. 7 h.
26MarnikGhost Sentinel itsShowTime801154 / 120 d. 16 h.
27PantelokaulwneisGrand Khavatari playthem801136 / 5717 d. 11 h.
28ImbaOrcGrand Khavatari TheBlinders801092 / 19920 d. 6 h.
29YapyapGhost Hunter Focus801090 / 1817 d. 19 h.
30InkaStorm Screamer TheBlinders801044 / 37017 d. 11 h.
31DiNAHUSagittarius Lasunya80959 / 1018 d. 22 h.
32BurnoutSoultaker Focus80958 / 3520 d. 7 h.
33musthaveSoultaker itsShowTime80942 / 5214 d. 7 h.
34IEnzoISagittarius HUSSARYA80907 / 10218 d. 17 h.
35p1nGSoultaker Focus80901 / 618 d. 13 h.
36RebaTitan SOLO80876 / 017 d. 8 h.
37MalumaSagittarius WhiteTower80869 / 1316 d. 21 h.
38PawGamiOntasSagittarius 80858 / 619 d. 8 h.
39TRSGhost Hunter playthem80853 / 2659 d. 2 h.
40LuenaMoonlight Sentinel Bastards80842 / 220 d. 5 h.
41BrofesorDuelist playthem80831 / 3519 d. 20 h.
42RazielGrand Khavatari Bastards80830 / 416 d. 11 h.
43LooKiaSoultaker itsShowTime80790 / 5220 d. 2 h.
44i911Mystic Muse 80785 / 197 d. 12 h.
45TosakaRinMystic Muse Lasunya80782 / 019 d. 23 h.
46DukeCardinal TheBlinders80780 / 4411 d. 21 h.
47lilAdventurer 80774 / 349 d. 9 h.
48AvNanitsaFortune Seeker Focus80772 / 1220 d. 12 h.
49Song4LifeGhost Hunter playthem80767 / 1521 d. 3 h.
50IIIaMaHSagittarius itsShowTime80743 / 5215 d. 11 h.
51DonFlaminGoCardinal itsShowTime80741 / 8020 d. 16 h.
52PePeGaTitan WhiteTower80727 / 619 d. 21 h.
53CarasSagittarius playthem80719 / 1613 d. 11 h.
54SAMCROStorm Screamer itsShowTime80702 / 3619 d. 20 h.
55LenMoonlight Sentinel TheBlinders80699 / 217 d. 8 h.
56DeathMelodyGhost Sentinel TheBlinders80685 / 2418 d. 12 h.
57BrookGhost Sentinel WhiteTower80684 / 196 d. 2 h.
58SeleNeStorm Screamer YoungGuns80678 / 813 d. 1 h.
59YvannaMystic Muse TheBlinders80671 / 520 d. 17 h.
60MansoryStorm Screamer YoungGuns80662 / 10015 d. 9 h.
61SirezSoultaker SOLO80654 / 7316 d. 3 h.
62HazzardAdventurer Focus80650 / 919 d. 15 h.
63aHaJIAdventurer Absent80649 / 915 d. 12 h.
64RelaxMystic Muse Focus80648 / 518 d. 11 h.
65WhiteCreamWind Rider WhiteTower80638 / 25916 d. 18 h.
66BenTitan Lasunya80630 / 014 d. 23 h.
67viszlatSagittarius 80612 / 14115 d. 14 h.
68infmssMoonlight Sentinel 80604 / 5115 d. 13 h.
69RyunSagittarius Focus80597 / 7612 d. 8 h.
70DecayMoonlight Sentinel HeadHunters80575 / 914 d. 4 h.
71BadManGhost Hunter playthem80570 / 10216 d. 19 h.
72DDCTitan itsShowTime80558 / 338 d. 9 h.
73CheeQuGhost Hunter Focus80540 / 197 d. 16 h.
74BaudaSoultaker SOLO80538 / 2616 d. 8 h.
75KuzanSoultaker Bastards80531 / 4518 d. 10 h.
76DaminMoonlight Sentinel itsShowTime80525 / 188 d. 21 h.
77No0BaKiKiLLeRDominator TheBlinders80514 / 8819 d. 6 h.
78KrusoviceStorm Screamer 80511 / 017 d. 8 h.
79OmegaProjectSagittarius EliteGroup80510 / 3516 d. 12 h.
80koteSagittarius Lasunya80509 / 018 d. 4 h.
81SeNGrand Khavatari Focus80499 / 1218 d. 21 h.
82SidiousDoom Cryer Lasunya80489 / 013 d. 6 h.
83DamianoOoMystic Muse 80489 / 14018 d. 3 h.
84GodKratoSsSoultaker playthem80478 / 411 d. 8 h.
85MalikStorm Screamer HUSSARYA80470 / 712 d. 19 h.
86GambitStorm Screamer playthem80468 / 217 d. 18 h.
87CortexPhoenix Knight HeadHunters80464 / 416 d. 19 h.
88BentaGrand Khavatari 80463 / 1015 d. 4 h.
89IMPALER3000Sagittarius HUSSARYA80460 / 586 d. 11 h.
90MonkeyDLuffyGhost Sentinel WhiteTower80457 / 8217 d. 3 h.
91UsualMoonlight Sentinel 80453 / 216 d. 19 h.
92ElwynStorm Screamer HUSSARYA80450 / 1012 d. 2 h.
93NamiGhost Sentinel WhiteTower80449 / 6817 d. 8 h.
94MaryJaneSoultaker 80439 / 3416 d. 12 h.
95kzikAdventurer 80438 / 189 d. 22 h.
96JinbePhoenix Knight WhiteTower80431 / 7417 d. 2 h.
97WaynasdiFortune Seeker playthem80426 / 7513 d. 7 h.
98NobodyGhost Hunter playthem80419 / 3617 d. 17 h.
99zephSagittarius HeadHunters80410 / 413 d. 1 h.
100idkMoonlight Sentinel itsShowTime80410 / 7213 d. 15 h.
2025-02-16 20:14:27
IDNameClassClanLvLPvP / PKTimeOnline
1 NefertariDViviMoonlight Sentinel WhiteTower803213 / 37516 d. 13 h.
2 InkaStorm Screamer TheBlinders801044 / 37017 d. 11 h.
3 JackLongTitan FusionofHonor80392 / 3558 d. 1 h.
4 NicuNimicitoruSagittarius Focus80345 / 28719 d. 10 h.
5 HaileyAdventurer WhiteTower8069 / 2866 d. 22 h.
6 rawSagittarius Bastards805599 / 27611 d. 4 h.
7 TRSGhost Hunter playthem80853 / 2659 d. 2 h.
8 WhiteCreamWind Rider WhiteTower80638 / 25916 d. 18 h.
9 IndalecioDuelist playthem801704 / 24919 d. 10 h.
10 BoGStorm Screamer Bastards80247 / 2427 d.
11 KURWASagittarius Absent801168 / 22416 d. 19 h.
12 IntemerataDuelist TheBlinders801409 / 22112 d. 2 h.
13 KnickerSagittarius 8064 / 21316 h. 55 m.
14 ImbaOrcGrand Khavatari TheBlinders801092 / 19920 d. 6 h.
15 NiGhTw1sHSoultaker WhiteTower80286 / 19616 d. 19 h.
16 xoxoSagittarius 80300 / 1893 d. 19 h.
17 JoudisSagittarius 8048 / 18911 h. 29 m.
18 PKdorDominator FusionofHonor80134 / 18617 d. 12 h.
19 RoronoaZoroMoonlight Sentinel WhiteTower802364 / 17819 d. 15 h.
20 CoajaAdventurer Focus80394 / 1697 d. 2 h.
21 StonedWalkerGhost Hunter TheLoverS8044 / 1449 h. 28 m.
22 viszlatSagittarius 80612 / 14115 d. 14 h.
23 PrimoHooLLiGansFortune Seeker Bastards80184 / 14011 d. 22 h.
24 DamianoOoMystic Muse 80489 / 14018 d. 3 h.
25 closedStorm Screamer Bastards8073 / 12717 d. 10 h.
26 VermilionGhost Hunter playthem801184 / 12311 d. 21 h.
27 PKTeamAdventurer 798 / 1231 d. 13 h.
28 INFINITYSagittarius 8010 / 12115 h. 39 m.
29 BlackBirdWind Rider Focus80186 / 1149 d. 1 h.
30 DARKSagittarius FusionofHonor8027 / 1103 d. 16 h.
31 StFigarlandSoultaker itsShowTime801537 / 10618 d. 23 h.
32 VinSmokeSanjiSagittarius WhiteTower801638 / 10211 d. 19 h.
33 BadManGhost Hunter playthem80570 / 10216 d. 19 h.
34 IEnzoISagittarius HUSSARYA80907 / 10218 d. 17 h.
35 MansoryStorm Screamer YoungGuns80662 / 10015 d. 9 h.
36 LightSoultaker 8029 / 981 d. 2 h.
37 ProLTAdventurer 8020 / 959 h. 43 m.
38 illliiiliiliiiliGhost Hunter 7915 / 951 d. 15 h.
39 No0BaKiKiLLeRDominator TheBlinders80514 / 8819 d. 6 h.
40 PSYCHOPATHStorm Screamer HeadHunters80281 / 8814 d. 16 h.
41 TonyChopperGhost Sentinel WhiteTower80234 / 868 d. 18 h.
42 CasablancaStorm Screamer HUSSARYA8081 / 857 d. 9 h.
43 PPCAdventurer 7926 / 842 d. 7 h.
44 MonkeyDLuffyGhost Sentinel WhiteTower80457 / 8217 d. 3 h.
45 DonFlaminGoCardinal itsShowTime80741 / 8020 d. 16 h.
46 Maxwell1312Soultaker Absent80186 / 8011 d. 7 h.
47 StrelaSagittarius Focus801467 / 7820 d. 9 h.
48 RyunSagittarius Focus80597 / 7612 d. 8 h.
49 WaynasdiFortune Seeker playthem80426 / 7513 d. 7 h.
50 JinbePhoenix Knight WhiteTower80431 / 7417 d. 2 h.
2025-02-16 20:14:27
IDNameAllyCastleClan hallLevelRepMemberPvP
1 SOLOLevelingInnadril Castle-11550217295144
2 LasunyaBMKKOren CastleMont Chamber11426894688235
3 FocusWinterDion Castle-112538284918308
4 HUSSARYABMKKAden CastleTraban Chamber112303521129577
5 itsShowTimeDexGiran Castle-11228033913376
6 AbsentBurn-Sapphire Hall9159700793146
7 LietuvaUzRune Castle-938357712048
8 HeadHuntersHHGludio CastleThe Silver Chamber911451544070
9 BastardsWinterfell-Aria Chamber8110473718722765
10 WhiteTowerMedusa--82038213614075
11 playthemKeepCalmAndSchuttgart Castle-81291096017966
12 RedWoodMenOfMayhem--8681001137
13 FusionofHonorFireSighT-Yiana Chamber846300422145
14 TheBlindersFriendsGoddard Castle-840932409739
15 BlackSwanSOnlyFriendS--840699351654
16 YoungGunsHelloBitches-Roien Chamber840012202004
17 NaVi2010--83708528594
18 RusaiNerDraugaiFriendsWbenefits--83317025363
19 ONLYFANSXVIDEO--8303005266
20 TheUsualSuspects--82410017152
2025-02-16 20:14:27
IDNameAllyCastleClan hallLevelRepMemberPvP
1 BastardsWinterfell-Aria Chamber8110473718722765
2 FocusWinterDion Castle-112538284918308
3 playthemKeepCalmAndSchuttgart Castle-81291096017966
4 WhiteTowerMedusa--82038213614075
5 itsShowTimeDexGiran Castle-11228033913376
6 TheBlindersFriendsGoddard Castle-840932409739
7 HUSSARYABMKKAden CastleTraban Chamber112303521129577
8 LasunyaBMKKOren CastleMont Chamber11426894688235
9 SOLOLevelingInnadril Castle-11550217295144
10 HeadHuntersHHGludio CastleThe Silver Chamber911451544070
11 AbsentBurn-Sapphire Hall9159700793146
12 EliteGroupBloodBath--82930102283
13 FusionofHonorFireSighT-Yiana Chamber846300422145
14 LietuvaUzRune Castle-938357712048
15 YoungGunsHelloBitches-Roien Chamber840012202004
16 BlackSwanSOnlyFriendS--840699351654
17 TheLoverSGreeK-The Bronze Chamber74581461637
18 LATINOSTeam--8801025824
19 NaVi2010--83708528594
20 TemniStrazciImperium--71509918449
2025-02-16 20:14:27
IDAllyClan leaderTotal levelTotal repTotal memberTotal PvP
1 BMKK Lasunya2265724618017812
2 Uz Lietuva1741857772333
3 Leveling SOLO11550217295144
4 Winter Focus112538284918308
5 Dex itsShowTime11228033913376
2025-02-16 20:14:27
1Gludio Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   HeadHunters
Leader:   Cortex

16-02-25 16:00
2Dion Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   Focus
Leader:   Memory

16-02-25 16:00
3Giran Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   itsShowTime
Leader:   DonFlaminGo

16-02-25 16:00
4Oren Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   Lasunya
Leader:   DiNAHU

16-02-25 16:00
5Aden Castle

Tax:   15%
Leader:   Wolfkid

16-02-25 16:00
6Innadril Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   SOLO
Leader:   UmpaLumpa

16-02-25 20:00
7Goddard Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   TheBlinders
Leader:   Zarozinia

16-02-25 20:00
8Rune Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   Lietuva
Leader:   Neo

16-02-25 20:00
9Schuttgart Castle

Tax:   15%
Clan:   playthem
Leader:   Wonderland

16-02-25 20:00
2025-02-16 20:14:27
1Fortress of ResistanceDion
2Moonstone HallGludio
3Onyx HallGludio
4Topaz HallGludio
5Ruby HallGludio
6Crystal HallGludin
7Onyx HallGludin
8Sapphire HallGludin
9Moonstone HallGludin
10Emerald HallGludin
11The Atramental BarracksDion
12The Scarlet BarracksDion PenseoneryPenseoner
13The Viridian BarracksDion DeathSquaDiVeraVerao
14Devastated CastleAden
15Bandit StrongholdOren
16The Golden ChamberAden
17The Silver ChamberAden
18The Mithril ChamberAden
19Silver ManorAden
20Gold ManorAden
21The Bronze ChamberAden TheLoverSKwloFwtias
22The Golden ChamberGiran TheValarsTheValar
23The Silver ChamberGiran HeadHuntersCortex
24The Mithril ChamberGiran WakandaSquadKARPENTER
25The Bronze ChamberGiran
26Silver ManorGiran
27Moonstone HallGoddard
28Onyx HallGoddard InfernoHada
29Emerald HallGoddard NocturniseryaA
30Sapphire HallGoddard AbsentBurn
31Mont ChamberRune LasunyaDiNAHU
32Astaire ChamberRune SoloLevelingYui
33Aria ChamberRune BastardsTank
34Yiana ChamberRune FusionofHonorPKdor
35Roien ChamberRune YoungGunsMansory
36Luna ChamberRune
37Traban ChamberRune HUSSARYAWolfkid
38Eisen HallSchuttgart
39Heavy Metal HallSchuttgart HamburgerHamburg
40Molten Ore HallSchuttgart
41Titan HallSchuttgart
42Rainbow SpringsGoddard
43Wild Beast ReserveRune
44Fortress of the DeadRune
2025-02-16 20:14:27
1KhazadDreadnought Focus1
2YudiedElemental Master Focus1
3GodSword Muse Lietuva1
4LilyShillien Saint Lasunya1
5HazzardAdventurer Focus1
6SirezSpectral Dancer SOLO1
7OliviaEva's Templar Focus1
8StFigarlandArchmage itsShowTime1
9NarszilEva's Saint Focus1
10YvannaMystic Muse TheBlinders1
11JinbePhoenix Knight WhiteTower1
12MemoryGhost Hunter Focus1
13WatahWind Rider Focus1
14SeNStorm Screamer Focus1
15KukuSagittarius itsShowTime1
16SidiousDoom Cryer Lasunya1
17PieczarkowySpectral Master HUSSARYA1
18IntemerataDuelist TheBlinders1
19BurnoutSoultaker Focus1
20UmpaLumpaTitan SOLO1
21RebaFortune Seeker SOLO1
22ImbaOrcGrand Khavatari TheBlinders1
23GibkiJonaszCardinal HUSSARYA1
24MarnikGhost Sentinel itsShowTime1
25KittieKatArcana Lord Focus1
26AragoNHierophant Bastards1
27BaudaDominator SOLO1
28p1nGHell Knight Focus1
29UngaBungaMaestro SOLO1
30SchizoShillien Templar itsShowTime1
31idkMoonlight Sentinel itsShowTime1
2025-02-16 20:14:27
1Ember 16-02 13:40
2Lord of Splendor Anays 16-02 19:12
3Anakim's Nemesis Zakaron 16-02 16:07
4Ancient Weird Drake 16-02 16:59
5Skyla 16-02 17:53
6Antharas Priest Cloe 16-02 19:59
7antaras_max0 15-02 21:59
8Apepi 16-02 16:40
9Archon Suscepter 16-02 18:55
10Atraiban Alive
11Baium 14-02 22:02
12Bandit Leader Barda 16-02 13:54
13Barion 16-02 18:57
14Beast Lord Behemoth 16-02 18:35
15Benom 16-02 18:31
16Beleth's Seer Sephia 16-02 14:00
17Betrayer of Urutu Freki 16-02 14:12
18Biconne of Blue Sky 16-02 17:45
19blackdagger_wing0 16-02 19:55
20bleeding_fly0 Alive
21Flame of Splendor Barakiel 16-02 14:51
22Bloody Empress Decarbia 16-02 18:36
23Bloody Priest Rudelto 16-02 16:00
24Palatanos of Horrific Power 16-02 21:10
25Breka Warlock Pastu 16-02 16:50
26Carnage Lord Gato 16-02 16:25
27Carnamakos 16-02 19:12
28Cat's Eye Bandit 16-02 17:18
29Cherub Galaxia 16-02 13:17
30Zaken's Chief Mate Tillion Alive
31Core 15-02 21:54
32Corsair Captain Kylon 16-02 17:21
33Crazy Mechanic Golem 16-02 15:08
34Cronos's Servitor Mumu 16-02 16:10
35Cursed Clara 16-02 17:46
36darion0 16-02 20:32
37Dark Shaman Varangka 16-02 14:00
38Plague Golem 16-02 14:15
39Evil Spirit Tempest 16-02 18:59
40Demon's Agent Falston 16-02 20:56
41Discarded Guardian 16-02 15:24
42Shilen's Messenger Cabrio 16-02 19:18
43Doom Blade Tanatos 16-02 20:33
44dr_chaos_npc0 Alive
45Dread Avenger Kraven 16-02 18:15
46duke_devil0 16-02 20:35
47dust_rider0 Alive
48Earth Protector Panathen 16-02 18:27
49Elf Renoa 16-02 20:36
50emerald_horn0 16-02 19:41
51Enmity Ghost Ramdal 16-02 19:09
52Deadman Ereve 16-02 20:25
53Eva's Guardian Millenu 16-02 16:54
54evo_awakened_sailren0 16-02 18:34
55Eye of Beleth 16-02 19:18
56Fafurion's Herald Lokness 16-02 14:11
57Fafurion's Page Sika 16-02 17:48
58Fairy Queen Timiniel 16-02 19:07
59Enchanted Forest Watcher Ruell 16-02 19:07
60Fierce Tiger King Angel 16-02 16:47
61Flamestone Giant 16-02 19:32
62Flame Lord Shadar 16-02 18:03
63follower_of_frintessa0 Alive
64follower_of_frintessa_tr0 Alive
65foundry_boss0 16-02 18:37
66frintessa0 14-02 21:48
67Furious Thieles 16-02 21:06
68Gargoyle Lord Sirocco 16-02 16:30
69Gargoyle Lord Tiphon 16-02 18:54
70Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs 16-02 17:52
71Ghost Knight Kabed 16-02 18:19
72Ghost of Peasant Leader 16-02 13:29
73Giant Wasteland Basilisk 16-02 16:50
74Longhorn Golkonda 16-02 18:37
75Gordon 16-02 17:31
76Chertuba of Great Soul 16-02 13:38
77Grave Robber Kim 16-02 13:56
78Grave Robber Leader Akata 16-02 20:55
79Greyclaw Kutus 16-02 15:55
80The 3rd Underwater Guardian 16-02 19:00
81Gwindorr 16-02 13:39
82Hallate_the_death_lord0 16-02 18:30
83hallibell0 16-02 09:35
84Orfen's Handmaiden 16-02 14:55
85Harit Hero Tamash 16-02 16:44
86Harit Guardian Garangky 16-02 20:32
87Guardian of the Status of Giant Karum 16-02 16:03
88heart_of_warding0 Alive
89Immortal Savior Mardil 16-02 18:44
90Icarus Sample 1 16-02 20:53
91Ikuntai 16-02 19:30
92Death Lord Ipos 16-02 20:56
93Iron Giant Totem 16-02 20:46
94Fafurion's Henchman Istary 16-02 17:24
95Stakato Queen Zyrnna 16-02 16:22
96Karte 16-02 15:30
97Katu Van Leader Atui 16-02 13:51
98Kaysha Herald of Icarus 16-02 14:19
99Thief Kelbar 16-02 20:59
100Kernon0 16-02 18:25
101Ketra's Chief Brakki 16-02 18:24
102Ketra's Commander Tayr 16-02 20:46
103Ketra's Hero Hekaton 16-02 20:19
104King Tarlk 16-02 21:00
105Tiger King Karuta 16-02 20:19
106Korim 16-02 14:28
107Krokian Padisha Sobekk 16-02 14:07
108Demon Kurikups 16-02 19:02
109Langk Matriarch Rashkos 16-02 20:01
110Last Lesser Giant Glaki 16-02 15:05
111Last Lesser Giant Olkuth 16-02 15:23
112Leto Chief Talkin 16-02 21:09
113Lilith 16-02 15:20
114Lilith's Witch Marilion 16-02 15:38
115Lord Ishka 16-02 17:13
116Leader of Cat Gang 16-02 15:49
117Unrequited Kael 16-02 15:14
118Madness Beast 16-02 14:00
119Magus Kenishee Alive
120Malex Herald of Dagoniel 16-02 18:44
121Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone 16-02 17:49
122mammpns_collector_talos0 16-02 14:06
123Ghost of the Well Lidia 16-02 16:59
124master_of_ledflage_shaka0 16-02 15:37
125Agent of Beres, Meana 16-02 19:15
126Meanas Anor 16-02 18:55
127Evil Spirit Cyrion 16-02 19:13
128muscle_bomber0 Alive
129Nakondas 16-02 19:43
130Necrosentinel Royal Guard 16-02 15:01
131Abyss Brukunt 16-02 14:31
132Eva's Spirit Niniel 16-02 17:07
133nurka10 14-02 23:00
134Nurka's Messenger 16-02 13:42
135Messenger of Fairy Queen Berun 16-02 19:16
136Mirror of Oblivion 16-02 17:28
137Ocean Flame Ashakiel 16-02 14:12
138Orfen 14-02 21:40
139Pagan Watcher Cerberon Alive
140Palibati Queen Themis 16-02 18:33
141Pan Dryad 16-02 16:36
142Fafurion's Envoy Pingolpin 16-02 16:57
143Partisan Leader Talakin 16-02 18:48
144Patriarch Kuroboros 16-02 13:30
145Premo Prime 16-02 20:52
146Shilen's Priest Hisilrome 16-02 15:27
147Kuroboros' Priest 16-02 17:42
148Princess Molrang 16-02 14:01
149Queen Ant 15-02 21:45
150Captain of Queen's Royal Guards 16-02 16:19
151Ragraman 16-02 20:40
152Rahha 16-02 20:09
153Eilhalder von Hellmann 16-02 20:17
154ranku0 16-02 14:28
155Rayito the Looter 16-02 18:02
156Red Eye Captain Trakia 16-02 14:02
157Refugee Hopeful Leo 16-02 17:20
158Remmel 16-02 20:52
159Rotten Tree Repiro 16-02 15:11
160Retreat Spider Cletu 16-02 18:00
161Revenant of Sir Calibus 16-02 13:35
162Road Scavenger Leader 16-02 20:46
163Roaring Skylancer 16-02 13:04
164Roaring Lord Kastor 16-02 19:38
165sailren0 16-02 15:48
166Sebek 16-02 17:16
167Sejarr's Servitor 16-02 20:03
168Serpent Demon Bifrons 16-02 18:05
169Shacram 16-02 15:47
170shadow_summoner0 16-02 20:12
171Shaman King Selu 16-02 19:33
172Death Lord Shax 16-02 15:34
173Fire of Wrath Shuriel 16-02 19:22
174Sorcerer Isirr 16-02 17:40
175Soul Collector Acheron 16-02 13:59
176Soul Scavenger 16-02 17:43
177Soulless Wild Boar 16-02 18:09
178spike_slasher0 16-02 19:45
179Queen Shyeed 16-02 14:09
180Spirit of Andras, the Betrayer 16-02 18:51
181Nellis Vengeful Spirit 16-02 13:48
182ssq_guardian_apostate0 Alive
183ssq_guardian_branded0 16-02 20:29
184ssq_guardian_dark_omens0 Alive
185ssq_guardian_devotion0 Alive
186ssq_guardian_disciple0 16-02 19:40
187ssq_guardian_forbidden0 16-02 19:53
188ssq_guardian_heretic0 16-02 20:17
189ssq_guardian_martyr0 Alive
190ssq_guardian_patriot0 Alive
191ssq_guardian_piligrim0 16-02 20:10
192ssq_guardian_sacrifice0 Alive
193ssq_guardian_saint0 Alive
194ssq_guardian_witch0 16-02 19:48
195ssq_guardian_worship0 16-02 20:36
196Storm Winged Naga 16-02 20:59
197Sukar Wererat Chief 16-02 16:51
198Taik High Prefect Arak 16-02 20:41
199Tasaba Patriarch Hellena 16-02 14:58
200Tiger Hornet 16-02 14:41
201Timak Orc Gosmos 16-02 19:50
202Timak Orc Chief Ranger 16-02 18:30
203Timak Seer Ragoth 16-02 14:24
204Tirak 16-02 13:46
205tolles0 16-02 11:05
206tornado0 16-02 10:52
207Tracker Leader Sharuk 16-02 15:00
208High Priestess van Halter 16-02 19:27
209Turek Mercenary Captain 16-02 18:06
210Unicorn Paniel 16-02 17:34
211Uruka 16-02 20:59
212Valakas 09-02 22:05
213Vanor Chief Kandra 16-02 13:35
214Varka's Chief Horus 16-02 17:57
215Varka's Commander Mos 16-02 18:08
216Varka's Hero Shadith 16-02 16:33
217Verfa 16-02 14:17
218Vuku Grand Seer Gharmash 16-02 13:34
219Guilotine, Warden of the Execution Grounds 16-02 20:43
220Water Couatle Ateka 16-02 17:37
221Water Spirit Lian 16-02 16:38
222Water Dragon Seer Sheshark 16-02 19:58
223Black Lily 16-02 19:12
224Wizard of Storm Teruk 16-02 20:12
225Zaken 15-02 21:40
226Zaken's Butcher Krantz 16-02 18:18
227Zombie Lord Crowl 15-02 05:51
228Zombie Lord Farakelsus 16-02 13:57
2025-02-16 20:14:27